6th of February 2025 at 06.30pm

General Assembly 2025

You are cordially invited to attend the General Assembly of the France New Zealand Association. The General Assembly will take place at the New Zealand Embassy in Paris, 103 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris on Thursday the 6th of February 2025. The meeting will start at 7 pm.


All members who have paid for 2025 have the right to vote. We'll welcome you from 6.30 pm.

New members are welcome. If you haven't renewed your membership for 2025 you can do so by going to our membership page


Do let us know if you are coming. Please note that it is mandatory to let us know you will be here to be able to access the Embassy premises. 

We encourage you to participate in this event, as a reminder we are required to have the participation of at least one third of our members to be able to hold our General Assembly. In order to calculate this quorum we will base it on the number of members of the Association on February 5 at 12:00 pm.

If you cannot be present, you can have another member of the Association vote in your place, by both signing the proxy document attached to this email. The document needs to be sent to your proxy and they need to present it on the evening before the beginning of the AGM, or return it, signed to the email address on the document.


This year we will ask you to renew 7 administrators (following the end of their 3 years mandates). We will of course also be presenting a round up of 2024 activities, the 2024 financial statement, and the 2025 activities calendar, which we are very much looking forward to sharing with you.


The AGM will be followed by a talk by Sharelle Govignon-Sweet about her life in the South-West of France (Occitanie) as a Māori New Zealander. Sharelle lives in Albi, in the Tarn region, with her French husband and their two children. Their boys attend a bilingual Occitan-French school, as the links between te ao Māori and the local occitan culture made it an obvious choice to bring them closer to their whakapapa.

Sharelle is a New Zealander who identifies as Māori/European. A Treaty educator in New Zealand, Sharelle now teaches cross-cultural communication skills to university students. 

Drinks and nibbles will be served afterwards, allowing a chance to catch up with each other.

Event details: